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Moni是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Moni.html 发布时间:2021-03-25
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1. 监听,调音师:MON monitor 监听,监视器 | MONI 监听,调音师 | Monkey chatter 串音,邻频干扰,交叉失真

2. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

2. 莫尼牌手表:Mongolian wool 蒙古羊毛 | Moni 莫尼牌手表 | Monimax 蒙尼马克斯软磁合金

3. Moni的解释

3. 莫呢:429.MIRA 米拉 | 430.MONI 莫呢 | 431.NATIONAL 国家

4. 門井:Monguchi 门口. | Moni 门井. | Monji 门司.

Moni 双语例句

1. The results show that the technical parameters and the concentration of sodium molybdate have obvious effect on the composition of the alloy. The crystal grain size is from 6.2 to 12.7 nm and changes with current density, temperature and the pH value of the electrolyte. The crystalline growth of the alloy accords with the model of three-dimensional growth. The surface morphology is mainly determined by the rate competitions between the growing direction of vertical surface and the expanding direction along the surface towards circumambient. The results of the X-ray data show the presence of the multiphase containing solid solution and intermetallic compound in the deposits. The deposit phases alter from the FeNi and FeMo solid solution to the FeNi and MoNi4structure at 3 A/dm2. The deposits internal stress increases linearly with the decrease of the grain size. The lattice parameter of the deposits are slightly distorted
结果表明:工艺条件和钼酸钠浓度对合金组成的影响较大;所得合金晶粒尺寸为6.2~12.7 nm,并随电流密度、温度和电镀液的pH值的改变而变化;合金的晶体生长符合晶核三维生长模型,镀层表面形貌由平行和垂直于基体的生长速度的相对大小决定;镀层物相为固溶体和金属间化合物的多相结构,当电流密度为3 A/dm2时,镀层物相由FeNi和FeMo固溶相转化为FeNi和

2. The Honeypot is a strictly moni- tored network decoy, it can distract adversaries from valuable machines on a network, can provide early waming about new attack and exploitation trends, and allow in-depth examination of attacker\'s action and process during exploitation of a Honeypot.

3. The present operating procedure is to moni to r and control a number of buses voltage in the system.

4. Moni什么意思

4. It takes lots of patience and dedication to moni to r them closely and provide assistance.

5. A special thank you to Moni for sharing these historic and precious photos with us.

6. Moni的解释

6. Based on a large number of research references, the introduction of some principles of methods used for moni...

7. The environmental pollution caused by the exhaust gas from automobiles becomes more and more serious so that moni...

8. Based on the analysis of the mudstone wellbore stability model coupled fluid-solid-chemical, a package LSC-MUD WEIGHT MONITOR was developed, and also used to moni...
在建立流-固-化耦合作用下泥页岩井壁稳定分析模型的基础上,开发出了流-固-化耦合作用下泥页岩地层钻井液密度窗口随钻监测软件LSC-Mud weight moni-tor,并对涠洲油田涠二段泥页岩进行了钻井液密度窗口的监测,与未利用该软件前相比,钻井速度得到大幅提高。

9. I t i s seen i n the prayers of parents as they agoni ze for thei r rebel l i ous chi l dren, j ust as Moni ca agoni zed for years for her son Augusti ne.

10. The system that Moni developed at that time, incorporating Jiu Jitsu, Israeli and various other fighting styles, kept evolving into what is now referred to as Commando Krav Maga.
该系统Moni在发达国家,在当时,把玖jitsu ,以色列和其他各种战斗作风,不断演变成什么,现在被称为突击队krav宏巨。

11. Meanwhile, the Turks got the news that what the camel team real guarded was Buddha Jia Moni`s relics. They induced the bandit Xiang Mazi of Western Regions Mu An to rifle.

12. I n the chi mney the donkey and monkey found the key to the money moni tor.

13. Moni在线翻译

13. It`s of great importance to moniˉtor blood pressure correctly and in time for judgment of the state of an illness, implement of treatment, making nurse measures, improving viability of the sufferer and decreasing the ratio of disability.

14. Before operation, a hollow probe was screwed into the medullary cavity and linked with a moni- tor to record the dynamic pressure change during the OIMN process.

15. Moni的近义词

15. To delineate the role of these factors in tissue oxygen moni tor, a multi-layered Monte-Carlo method was applied in this paper. The result of the simulation shows the accuracy of tissue oximeter decreases with the increas e of the thickness of overlaying tissue; The higher variation of SO2 itself, th e higher regional blood volume in tissue and the higher haematocrit in blood intr oduce additional error in measurement.

16. It can be expected that, with the implement of the large international research programs such as SEARCH, the ecosystem moni- toring and research will become more systemic and comprehensive.
数据积累是目前制约北极研究的最大障碍,但随着 SEARCH 等大型国际研究计划的实施,对北冰洋生态系统的监测和研究将更为系统和全面。

17. The reaction kinetics of positronium o-Ps on MoNi/Al2O3 hydrotreating catalyst was studied by using the positron annihilation spectroscopy for chemical analysis (PASCA).

18. Kinetics study of positronium o-Ps on moni/al_2o_3 hydrotreating catalyst by PASCA

19. Moni的反义词

19. In the previous one and a half years I have been a model student and moni.

20. Second, the area needs to be moni-tored regularly for trace metals and other pollutants to forewarn urban eco-environmental safety.

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发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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